January Meeting Results

We had an awesome turnout at our January meeting. It was nice to see some faces we hadn’t seen in a while. We had a nice time of fellowship and eating (of course) and then discussed both Gods and Kings and A Chance to Die.

With Gods and Kings either the person really liked it or they really didn’t. It’s one of those books that really touches someone or the person thinks “What’s the big deal?” Lynn Austin is a very good writer and regardless of whether or not you liked the book, you should read some of her other series or stand-alone books.

With Chance to Die people found it very hard to read. Not many of us read the book because of that but it was noted that there was very good information in the book. A lot of us never knew anything about Amy Carmichael and I, personally, found it quite intriguing! I purchased a DVD about Amy Carmichael and the Donovour Fellowship for the GCC Library if you are interested.

Next we discussed the book we would read for March. We had suggestions for Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas, Winterflight by Joseph Bailey, In the Company of Others by Jan Karon, Down Where My Love Lives and When the Crickets Cry both by Charles Martin and Christy by Catherine Marshall. The vote was for Winterflight by Joseph Bailey which will be discussed in our March meeting.

February Book Club Pick: We are reading “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett which will be discussed on Saturday, February 19th at Noon!

For those of you who are out-of-towners, please feel free to suggest books that you would like to or have read and tell us why. YOU have a voice!!!

Finally, we discussed the future of the book club. Everyone agreed that we do not want it to end. These are the answers to the questions:

Q: What day of the week do we want to meet?
A: Saturday was the only day available to everyone.

Q: Which week?
A: Everyone wanted to keep the 3rd week as they are used to that and can plan on that Saturday.

Q: What time?
A: Most everyone wanted to go back to the morning time like we used to be we found out that a couple people work with ESL and wouldn’t be able to attend so we talked about moving the time up to 12:00pm. That way we’d be done an hour earlier and you would still have part of the day left.

Q: How do we want Book Club to be different? The Same?
A: There were no changes mentioned but the idea of having a Book Exchange came up where people could bring books that they are done reading and exchange them for another book.

Q: Where do we want to meet?
A: For convenience sake, we decided we will meet in the GCC Library.

Q: How often do we want to meet?
A: Monthly but they still want to take the summers off. Say June-July-August. One suggestion is that we do not meet in either November or December except for some kind of Christmas gathering.

Thank you for all of you who attended this important meeting and also for those of you who gave me input. You are all valued members of this club.

See you next month on February 19th at noon in the GCC Library!

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